Our Crazy Attempt

Day 6: Saturday, 27 October 2012

By Alan Yeo, Jamie Lim & Elsie Yeo



Alan Yeo:

We are into Day 6 of our Peacemakers on the Road journey and we have one last mission to accomplish and that is to partner Evangel Tokyo in their Red Dot Party on Sunday. The first half of the Saturday was taken up with travelling on the Shinkansen back to Tokyo. One could immediately sense a change in the pace of life the moment you stepped out onto the platform. Unlike Sendai, Tokyo station is swamped with people and bustling activities - a reminder that the POR team would be running on a tight schedule today.

The POR team would have to proceed to Evangel Tokyo immediately after checking into our hotel so that we have sufficient time to prepare the food for the party. We would be relying on the expertise of our more experienced team members to dish out a storm. Our main chef, Elsie Yeo, would be providing the cooking and preparation instructions while the rest would pitch in to help. We are really excited about tomorrow and we know that our Japanese friends are looking forward to sample our Singapore Chicken Rice. This would be a “crazy” feat that the POR team would attempt and you would have to check out our blog tomorrow to find out if our attempt is successful. Meanwhile, we are encouraged that towards the later part of the evening, Elsie and the team had gotten the yummy “Chap Chye” all ready!

More Reflections from Sendai

Jamie Lim:

When we left Amazing Grace Centre at 5pm yesterday, it was already dark. Lights were already streaming out of rows of neatly refurbished houses with the occupants going about their daily tasks in the neighbourhood of Akai. However, as we drove through the worst tsunami affected region of Higashi-Matsushima, pockets of houses stood forlornly in the wind-swept darkness. Only the structures of the houses were left. They were windowless and bare. At first, I thought these were farmlands but our host, Simon told us that it was densely populated before the Tsunami came and swept away most of the houses. Those few houses that remained were there because of their strong foundation.

I have been a Christian since my youth and I believe that although the sea of changes that swept through my life will not topple my Christian foundation but it may erode my enthusiasm, fervency and love for God. What remains would be just like what I witnessed in Higashi-Matsushima, a shell of its former being. That's what I must guard against!

Elsie Yeo:

This is my first trip to Japan. The most memorable part of this POR is my journey to Sendai. During our first stop at Higashi Matsushima, it really devastated my heart when I saw a jacket hanging on a chair with a vase of flowers placed on it just in front of an empty house. The dead has not been forgotten. I can imagine how shattering it is for the hearts of the Japanese. They certainly need more people to cheer them up. I hope that with the little that our POR team had done, it would bring them joy.

I am reminded of God’s Word in Matthew 9:37 that “the harvest is plentiful but labourers are few.” This POR Japan has been an eye-opening trip for me. Thank God for his protection on everyone of us.


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