We gather to worship, pray,
encourage, give, converse, eat and play…
Shuttle Services
Yishun MRT to Evangel Family Church (one trip only)
1) 7.30am
2) 7.45am
3) 9.30am
4) 9.45am
5) 11.45am
Jurong MRT to Evangel Family Church
9am (one trip only)
Free bus services are also available from Evangel Family Church to Yishun MRT after each gathering at 9.15am and 11.15am.
Sunday Gatherings.
8am 崇拜
10am Worship
12pm Better Than Kings
10am gathering has accompanying
children’s program by The Kingdom Kids.
Also, a teens programme, Better Than Kings Junior, is facilitated at 12pm.
Prayer Community.
7.30 pm [ last Friday of every month ]
Wednesday Community Groups.
7.30 pm @ homes across the island
Unless stated otherwise all gatherings are held
@ 577 Yishun Ring Road