Pass It On (传下去)

Day 8 : Monday, 21 February 2011


Kee Poh Li :
After our tour of the comprehensive coverage of Living Hope ministries that impressed as it encompassed virtually every dimension of the impact of AIDS in the lives of the poor, the POR team were inspired and understood why King of Kings Baptist Church was known around town as 'the church that cares'. The King of Kings Baptist Church was also the first winner of the Courageous Leadership Award, an honour presented by Willow Creek and World Vision to the church whose AIDS ministry embodied excellence, compassion, creativity and the Love of Christ. Pastor John Thomas welcomed the POR team and shared that he was touched when Evangel Family Church contacted him as it was an answer to his prayers to build relations with the East.



Their strive for excellence was indeed what struck us as our first impression of Living Hope Health Care Centre in their provision of the best health care environment for the patients. The Health Care Center is a place of healing where Christian compassion and care is a priority. The 22 bed Health Care Center in Capri is at the heart of Living Hope's medical work. Their belief is to treat every patient equally regardless of the illnesses they were residing for in the Health Care Center and to ensure that the patients were well taken care of in an environment that is conducive. Just talking to the staff comprising of health care staff and social worker reaffirmed their love and professionalism for the people they encountered in the centre.


Our team visited the homeless ministry, Living Grace that seeks to transform the shattered lives of the destitute through the love of Jesus. We met a passionate couple, John and Joan de Jagar who were serving there faithfully. Joan also introduced us to Craig Petersen, Living Hope volunteer who was paralyzed from bullets in the crossfire of a gang war in which he was not personally involved. Craig greeted us with a smile as he devoted his time there to create handmade cards for all occasions. The card making is an entrepreneurial effort used to supplement Craig's income, being the sole breadwinner of the family. We were inspired by his positive attitude and joy despite his circumstances.

The POR team joined in the worship and devotion time with the homeless after they streamed in just prior to the food distribution at lunchtime. There was even a bible quiz at the end of the devotion and it was encouraging to see hands raised up to take the questions to receive the gifts given.

Looking at the faces of those who walked in, we could tell Living Grace indeed was a little haven where they came to take a breather from the tough issues faced in life, fill their stomachs and spend that precious time with God.


Red Hill Afternoon Kids' Club demonstrated the creativity of the team in their outreach to the kids through action songs, interactive games and lively sharing of stories from the Word of God. The POR team were impacted as the community kids recited the Lord's prayers word for word. We were told that the kids will take about 3 hours to walk home from school and hence the Kids' Club start later at this community.

The POR team joined in as the enthusiasm of the life skill educator, Mzo was so infectious that he engaged the community kids and us. We were inspired by his heart and passion in relating to the kids and reaching out to them. Mzo even moved to reside within the Red Hill community so as to be more effective in his ministry. It was a blessing to see the smiles on the kids' faces as we interacted with them and gave them the 'I Love SG' t-shirts, flags, paper balls we brought along and the balloon sculpturing made for them.


Love of Christ
Throughout our visit to Living Hope, our lovely host, Natasha and the various people we met through the Living Hope ministries kept pointing us to the love of Christ that drove their work and sustained them. The staff and volunteers exemplified Christ's hands and feet in their outreach to the community, pointing them to Jesus as the ultimate solution for those in poverty and that He is the one whom those with struggles in their lives can hold on to. Praise God!


Yeo Chiew Ean:
It only takes a spark to get the fire going
And soon all those around will warm up in its glowing;
That's how it is with God's love,
Once you experience it,
You spread His love to everyone,
You want to pass it on


Pass it on 这首歌开始了我们今早的灵修,传下去,把主的爱继续的传下去,让爱的火花继续点燃。这首歌再次的提醒我们他那伟大的爱及我们的使命。谢谢 Calista, Connie, Norina, Wenyi 及 Weng Kit 那么坦诚的分亨,在那么短短的30分钟里,Calista 分享了爱人是不可选择,爱人是要给人机会;Connie 那真诚的分亨;Norina 分享了我们的处事待人,我们有没有把上帝的爱展现出来呢?Wenyi 分享了我们有没有把那爱的火花继续的燃烧着而把他传下去。WWJD (What Would Jesus Do - 耶稣将会怎么做) 那是Weng Kit 的分享,在我们日常生活里,有没有常常想到如果是耶稣,他将会怎么做?


感谢主,让我们有机会来参观 Living Hope 的事工,因我们的团队太大,所以分成两组,一组到 Economic empowerment 及另一组到Homeless Ministry。首先是到Living Hope的办公室, 受到他们真诚的欢迎。当 Natasha 在介绍 Living Hope 的组织结构时,他们的热忱事奉,真的打动了我。Pastor John Thomas 在欢迎致词时,在情绪上有一点激动,就因他看到他的祷告被应许,能有机会与东方 (East) 合作主的事工。


我是参与Economic empowerment这一组,以下是我们今天所参观Living Hope 的事工:


Living Way Campus
培训与教育当地的居民,让他们有机会学一些技术,能够在社会找一份安稳的工作。培训课程包括了烘焙,手工艺术,缝纫,栽种黄瓜及番茄等等。从中我们认识了从美国来的 Joey。 Joey 因要花更多时间与他的家人相处,一家六囗(夫妇,三个亲生及一个领着,的孩子)来到了南非。因着主的带领,Joey 参与了Living Hope Campus 的烘焙及栽种植物事奉,就因他之前是从医疗保健,对烘焙及栽种植物完全一敲不通,一切都必须从新学习,看他那谦卑的态度,真的值得我们学习。


Ocean View Community Centre/Red Hill Community Center
这两间都处在社群当中,提供一些简单的医疗及幼儿园给于那些比较有需要的居民。虽然这两间的设备不大,当我们看到上帝的带领,如何以100兰德 (Rand) 买到一间房子来建设 Community Centre.


Living Hope Health Care Center
这个设施主要照顾及医治那些有爱之病及其他疾病。在拜访当中,我们有机会与两位病人连续,Karneels Rszuiters 及 David Groves,虽然我们都不认识 David,但经过了几分钟的沟通,我们心中都带非常沈重的心情,当Pastor Dale 为David代祷完毕,原来我们的眼眶都红了,甚至有些眼球都带眼泪。


本来我们是要到Fish Hoek海边享用午餐,但因海边的风太大,把沙满地吹,因此我们无法坐在海边享用我们的午餐,而只好在车里用餐。我觉得那也不错,因那沙滩太美了。


Living Grace - Muizenberg
处在一个非常美丽的地方,前面是高山,后面是一片辽阔的大海。Joan De Jager ,一位己非常年迈的义工,他与他的先生一起在这里事奉,每天都安排早餐及午餐来喂养那些流浪者,虽然我们错过了喂养时间,但 Joan 却安排了几位流浪者唱一首歌给我们听,听完了他们所唱的歌,心情不知如何的纳闷起来。就在同一个地方,有些无家可归,有的却在享受人生,那些冲浪者在那儿享受那一望无尽的蓝蓝的大海。流浪者却在排队拿食物吃。



Capricorn Community Centre
是一座用几个集装箱 (Container) 来建设的建筑物。这中心将提供一些医疗及幼儿园给于当地居民,除此以外,这也是一间社区教会,主日崇拜将在这儿进行。


Overcome Heights Community Centre
这是Living Hope 笫一个中心,是在一座集装箱里 (Container),我们参与了今天的小孩崇拜,与他们一起敬拜及玩一些游戏(如:踢球,跳绳等等)看到了当地小孩的天真及热诚,他们的单纯喜乐感动了我们。主曰老师们的委身及爱心,看到他们的活力的敬拜及把上帝的故事讲到那么津津有彩,真的非常有才华。短短的一个小时的相处,但给我留下了一个非常难忘的一个下午。


Gerda 与 Pastor John Thomas 的事工之所以会那么成功,就因主的大爱,他们从心爱,把那爱传下去。


见到那么多义工参与 Living Hope 的事工,我问了我自己:
生活在那么舒适, 物资充裕的地方,我为主做过什么?將來我又可以为主做什么呢?


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