Blessings under the African Skies
Kee Poh Li :
The POR team is grateful for our holistic experience at South Africa. As much as our eyes and hearts have been opened to the realities and struggles from the stories of the people and children, we are at the same time blessed and awed by the beauty of nature through our Safari experience, the warmth and hospitality extended to us in South Africa, the rich joy we observed in people's hearts and the beautiful transforming works by Acres of Love. We look forward in anticipation to our experience as we journey to Cape Town! God is indeed everywhere and He is no doubt in South Africa.
Mae Ng :
There is no word that can adequately express my feelings for my experience at the Safari in South Africa. The Safari is so amazing and God's creation is so awesome! The Safari and its animals at South Africa reminded me of the book of Genesis in the Bible.
Genesis 1:1 The Beginning
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Every single animals here has been uniquely made by God. Every animal has its own unique features even if they belong to the same species. On closer look, even the strips on the body of each zebra looked different although they are just made up of black and white strips. Indeed as the saying goes: 'A picture speaks a thousand words.' It is my wish that one day I will be able to paint a picture of the Safari in South Africa. All my feelings will be painted into this beautiful picture. I simply cannot write down every single detail to express all that I had experienced here. It reminded me just like how we may say we know God but how well do we really know him? You will have to smell it, taste it, feel it and experience God for yourself.
Personally, I really pray that this will not be the first and the last POR to South Africa. Through this POR trip to South Africa, although we saw the ugly aspects on this earth with its human issues like poverty, but we also saw the beautiful aspects that God has created through the Safari experience. Besides the Safari, what I observed during this trip was that people may be experiencing poverty here but the joy in their hearts are rich. Last but not least, I must thank my friends for singing the birthday song for me and arranging for the song to be sung the 'African way'.
This is something that I will treasure in my heart dearly!
Christopher Lee:
Having been awed yesterday by both the 'African Hospitality' in Kirkman's Camp and the upclose encounters with the Safari animals, everyone was all hyped up in anticipation of a new day of exciting experiences. Our wake up call was at 5am and we assembled at the lobby by 5.30am. The weather was just beautiful. The POR team set off in 3 Land Rovers. Baoli and I were in the same Rover as Chiew Ean, Ching Foon and Alan Tay.
The Safari really did not disappoint us. Soon after our games ride began, we came across a beautiful giraffe. He even posed for us to take pictures! After the sighting of giraffes, we were driven to the site where the lions were finishing up with the buffalo carcass from yesterday. Hungry vultures were still perched on the branches, waiting patiently for the remaining food when the lions have finished their share.
Our guide, Lennox, and trekker, Justice, enthusiastically led us to meet the range of Safari inhabitants, including the hippo, buffalo and rhino! At 9am, everyone was pleasantly surprised by the outdoor breakfast experience. The rangers, trekkers and butlers prepared delicious eggs and bacon on the spot in the midst of the Safari. This was the first Safari breakfast experience for everyone in the group.
After breakfast, we participated in the Safari walk. Lennox carried a loaded rifle as we trekked on foot and shared with us his wealth of knowledge on Safari. Some of his sharing included plants like Poison Apple that can cure toothache and Devil Thorn that can be used as soap. We experienced nature's soap for ourselves. We just crushed and rubbed the leaves in our hands, poured water and we found our hands covered with a cleansing liquid that looked slimy but our hands felt clean after the wash! After washing our hands with Devil Thorn, Lennox made us rummaged through a puddle of dried elephant droppings. Everyone was disgusted.
We thought it was another joke from Lennox especially since he has been joking with us throughout the rides. But this time, he was serious and led by example. He claimed that elephants digested only 40% of food eaten. Elephant was a plant eater and hence the droppings is clean. Everyone was made to obtain the undigested Marula fruits from the droppings. The droppings did not stink though. Lennox then cracked open the Marula fruit seeds and everyone sampled the content!
Then Lennox showed us how to make bush toothbrushes from Guarie twigs and brushed our teeth. See the whole cycle? Wash hands -> Eat from the elephants' droppings -> Brush teeth! This was the African Safari experience!
Everyone reached back to camp after the early morning drive for a time of devotion from the book of Titus. It was good to hear everyone sharing from their hearts from their reflections on the book. Afternoon was spent resting for us to prepare for another game ride in the evening. After the drive, an Africa BBQ was held under the stars with camp fire coupled with a traditional African dance performed during the dinner.
Praise God indeed for a memorable day!
Patsy Chow:
After devotion, we have to leave for the airport to catch the domestic flight to Cape Town. Upon arrival, Clynton, Manager from the Team House met the group. He introduced Gordon which will be driving us to Fish Hoek, and as we travelled along, we saw part of Cape Town and were in awe of its beauty, especially the beautiful mist-covered mountains.
After placing our luggage at Wellwood Lodge which we were staying for one night, we went for a walk by the sea. As we walked towards the direction of the sea, strong winds were blowing our hair all over our faces. The big ocean with the crashing waves was a beautiful sight to behold. It was really magnificent. Thank and praise God for His creations!
As we were walking, we looked up to the blue sky with the clouds moving so fast and it seems that one day is like a thousand years as God said in the book of Psalms. I am looking forward to explore more of the city tomorrow and also to attend the King of Kings Baptist Church and Masiphumele Baptist Church this weekend on Sunday. Stay tuned for more updates!
Angie Ng:
在第四天,我们POR南非,就兵分两路:Safari group 与Cape Town group。
再见Johannesburg,Cape Town 我们来了。步入第五天,我们依依不舍的离开了Johannesburg,乘搭两小时的飞机我们来到了美丽闻名的Cape Town。当车子离开机场,沿路就看到了连绵的山峦,蓝天里有层层的白云环绕着美丽雄伟的高山,一路上我们在车内就不停咔嚓咔嚓的拍个不停。很快的车子往山顶方向行驶,空气逐渐转凉,进入眼帘的是路旁延伸出来的美丽海洋,这海真的是好大好大,整个海面是一排一排的海浪,由远至近,分段的拍打出层层浪花,我们大家都不约而同的哗哗声四起,天啊,真是太美太美了!大家仿佛返老还童似的,兴奋无比的感叹眼前如此美丽的海景,双手不停的又咔嚓咔嚓。此时我好像看到了每颗心都兴奋的在手舞足蹈着,这Cape Town的海景真是太美了。牧师也打趣的说,你们是不是要去跟Safari 那组人炫耀一下你们比他们在Cape Town多一天的美好经历!哈哈,我们不敢,我相信Safari group肯定也有一个他们非常难忘与受祝福的旅程!
这第一天在Cape Town,由于Team House客满,我们被安排在离海边不远的别墅 Wellwood Lodge住宿一晚,别墅虽然有点古旧,不过很温馨,富有古英国风味。放下行李,我们就约好到海边看海去,一路上的风景宜人,各式各色小屋布满在山坡上,蓝天白云构出一幅幅美丽的风景画,有点像在希腊,很有地中海风情。我们经过火车铁路,来到了浩瀚辽阔的大海,这里的大海是大西洋与印度洋的交界处。海面上一波波的浪花相互拍打,沙滩上的海鸥自由飞翔或静默停歇,皆是一幅幅美丽的画面,此时的美好心情已超越言语,只能以欢畅的笑声表达我们心中的喜悦!
傍晚我们这Cape Town group依旧非常蒙福,要感谢Pastor Alan为我们安排了在Cape Town 的Harbour Front Restaurant用晚餐,这是一间靠海的餐厅,美丽的白色装潢,我们一边享用烛光晚餐,一边欣赏落地长窗外美丽的海景,感谢Pastor Dale供应我们一顿丰富浪漫的晚餐。
来到南非,在Johannesburg逗留的4天,让我们感受到了南非人热情豁达的性情,学习了快乐其实可以很简单。也看到了Acres of Love全体员工在事工上凡事尽心尽力与追求卓越的精神;他们对爱之病孩子无私的爱与关怀,对事工的执着,令人感动,也值得我们学习。来到Cape Town,我们除了满心感谢上帝让我们能在这次的POR South Africa有份参与,领受到神对我们个人与整体的供应与预备之余,也感谢上帝,让我们POR的Peacemakers能有如此难得的机会去体会与感受神在这大地的美丽创造。