The Ultimate Gift

Day 5: Friday, 28 November 2014

By Jasmine Gan


The peacemakers are on the move from urban Johannesburg to the beautiful Cape Town! We arrived at Cape Town yesterday (thank God for His protection!) and I was in awed with the beauty of the natural surroundings. I thought I caught a glimpse of heaven on earth. God is indeed the best artist!


Christmas Gifts

With lots of anticipation in our hearts, we started to wrap the Christmas gifts that we've prepared specially and individually for our 5 Evangel Forever Home babies. Even though we have yet to it, we could picture in our mind how each gift would match every child perfectly.



A gift is something given to someone voluntarily without expecting any in return. It is an act of giving. Often times, choosing a gift would require you to have the best interest of someone in mind and in hope that he or she would accept gladly. When we finally met our babies, their smiles on their faces were priceless and we knew in our hearts that they loved their gifts! It is in giving that we received much more.


Children are God's Gifts to Us

As we spent time with these precious babies in a beautiful Forever Home, we couldn't stop falling in love with them. We knew that these children are gifts from God to us and it is not by chance that we are all part of this big family, a forever home. Just like how we choose a gift for our loved ones and friends, God has chosen every child (a gift) and they are a reward for us (Psalm 127:3).


The Ultimate Gift

As I stood there, my heart was full of gratitude that our precious babies are thriving, growing and getting the best love and care from Acres of Love. It's as if they were not once abandoned or left behind.


God has reminded me about the ultimate gift He gave - Life. It is something only God can give to us, not anyone else and we ought to live life to the full-est. Hope-full in God, grate-full and be purpose-full.


Let us continue to pray for our Evangel Forever Home babies and journey with God's story with Acres of Love.