Summer. Friends. Love.

Day 3 (Part1) : Wednesday, 26 November 2014

by Jaclyn Yeo


Acres of Love (AoL) Preschool was started back in the days when public schools were not accepting children with HIV. Gerda benevolently explained the intricate needs of the children at AoL. And the preschool (aka creche) continues to be effective today as this is where their children thrive under Godly teaching and consistent showers of love.

Jasmine and I went with a heart full of anticipation, to meet 13 kids and Carol, their teacher (with a melodious Scottish accent). The very moment we stepped into the class, we were surrounded by the friendliest bunch of four- to six-year olds. From high-fives, to sitting on your lap and asking your name, they were as warm as the summer skies of Jo'burg.



Zebra-Crossing Is Not An Animal

Caterpillars and butterflies (their group names) then took turn to practice what they learned about traffic rules. The driveway was converted to a two-way road with stop junctions and a zebra-crossing. Kids were seriously abiding by rules whether 'driving' (a carton car and some plastic motorcycles) or role-playing as pedestrians. No giggling, no talking - what a rare sight!


Fun, Sand and Sun

Kids will be kids. In a split moment we found ourselves running around the garden playing balls, giggling and laughing under the sun. Gardens and big spaces for outdoor playtime are signatures of AoL Forever Homes and more so at their preschool. Kids were in constant motion on swings and slides, climbing and running. From a small sand pit, they imagined a world of fun. We even had a sand birthday cake that came with a 'candle' (a twig) and the cheeriest birthday song I have ever heard. Simply hilarious!


Catch Up With Friends

Words could not express my joy of meeting some of the kids we visited a year ago. Rogers has grown so much, he is now so tough - both physically and mentally. Chatting with him was pure fun. And he insisted that I see the picture Jasmine took of him hanging upside down. Then I enquired of the littlest boy, the angel that so blessed me last year, and Carol gladly shared that he now lives with an American family in SA. So are the other many great news we heard from AoL. What a difference a year can make.


Before story time, the kids spontaneously burst into songs about God's love, ''I Am Special" and of course, songs on traffic safety. Quietly and reluctantly Jasmine and I left the room, leaving these beautiful little ones. By now my heart is filled with faith and hope, knowing God's plan for these special ones is so very good. Love is what they needed and they are blossoming in His abundant love, right here at Acres of Love.